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DHI and Door Security & Safety Foundation Support STOP School Violence Act

DHI and the Door Security + Safety Foundation (DSSF) proudly support the federal STOP School Violence Act legislation, funding for which was included in the $1.3 trillion federal budget signed into law on March 23. The legislation will help schools and communities stop violence before it happens by providing resources focused on early intervention and school safety infrastructure.


“This bill is an important step in providing communities with much-needed funds to improve school security infrastructure and security technology, to protect our most precious natural resource – our children,” said Jerry Heppes Sr., CAE, CEO of DHI and the Door Security & Safety Foundation. “We understand how important safety is to the school community because our members design and build door openings that address a variety of scenarios.”

The omnibus funding bill also includes $1.2 billion for programs in the education sector to improve school safety; legislation to improve school officials’ emergency preparedness; and increased funding for various mental health and law enforcement programs.

The Student, Teachers and Officers Preventing School Violence Act of 2018 (the STOP School Violence Act) offers Department of Justice (DOJ) grants to states, ultimately helping schools implement proven, evidence-based programs and technologies that stop school violence before it happens. The act provides $75 million in 2018 and $100 million from 2019-2028 for schools to add security systems, improve coordination with local law enforcement agencies and train students, teachers and police on identifying and preventing violence.

The Act will fund four initiatives:

  • Evidence-based training to prevent student violence against others and self, including training for local law enforcement officers, school personnel, and students.

  • Evidence-based technology and equipment to improve school security and prevent violent attacks.

  • The development and operation of evidence-based school threat assessment and crisis intervention teams, which may include evidence-based training for school officials in responding to mental health crises.

  • Continued coordination with local law enforcement.

You can read our press release on the legislation here.

Opening the Door to School Safety Campaign

DSSF has created this campaign to speak out about the dangers and unintended consequences of door barricade devices. This work is an extension of our overall mission, which includes advocating for the expertise of door security + safety professionals to all stakeholders, including the school administrators in this case, but also design, end-user and code official communities.


We have been working with industry organizations and stakeholders to harness our collective resources and create proactive and reactive strategies for addressing this issue. A significant focus of our collective work includes advocacy for legislation such as STOP School Violence Act which has successfully passed. We will conduct a meeting in April to escalate our collective efforts and look forward to actualizing even more positive outcomes. 

Please visit to find everything you need to know about our campaign, our three-minute video, important facts, and third-party content from the National Association of State Fire Marshals, Partner Alliance for Safer Schools, and many more. Please continue to watch, share and give to support this campaign. #LockDontBlock

FDAIs Teach Healthcare Facilities New Fire Door Inspection Requirements Through the Foundation

DSSF offers education for healthcare facility personnel who need to learn more about the new fire door inspection requirements. These classes are taught by FDAIs across North America. These FDAIs not only provide this education to current their customers, but use it as a way to engage potential customers as well. If you are an FDAI interested in this exclusive Education Advocate opportunity, contact Sharon Newport for details. Learn more about DSSF educational offerings.



Fire and Egress Door Inspection Initiative

The Foundation supports the annual fire/egress door inspection initiative by creating awareness of this important update to NFPA 80 and 101 and their inclusion in the International Building Code and International Fire Code. Through our educational efforts we help stakeholders understand the code implications and complexity of the products and applications.


Education Advocate Program

This program uses a network of nearly 500 Fire and Egress Door Assembly Inspectors (FDAIs) to educate healthcare facility personnel on these new code requirements. FDAIs who become Education Advocates have an exclusive opportunity to deliver all of the Foundation’s education to healthcare facility personnel and AHJs. Hundreds of healthcare personnel have been trained through this program and the program continues to grow. This offering is a value-add for the FDAIs, including pull-through opportunities for their businesses as well. If you’re interested in participating, contact Sharon Newport to learn more about this opportunity to grow your inspection business.

Education Advocate Program for Fire Door Inspections

This program uses a network of nearly 500 certified and credentialed Fire and Egress Door Assembly Inspectors (CFDAIs/FDAIs) to educate healthcare facility personnel on these new code requirements. FDAIs who become Education Advocates have an exclusive opportunity to deliver all of the Foundation’s education to healthcare facility personnel and AHJs. Hundreds of healthcare personnel have been trained through this program and the program continues to grow.

If you’re interested in participating as a healthcare facility or a CFDAI/FDAI, contact Sharon Newport at to learn more about this opportunity.

New Partnerships for Opening the Door to School Safety 

Safe and Sound Schools - We are proud to announce our new partnership with Safe and Sound Schools, which was co-founded by Michele Gay, who also serves as their executive director. Michele is a mother and former teacher who lost her daughter, Josephine Grace, on Dec. 14, 2012, at Sandy Hook Elementary School. She chose to take action as an advocate to improve security and safety in our nation’s schools by launching this organization. Michele was recently the keynote speaker at DHI’s ConNextions 2018 in Baltimore. We are proud to partner with Safe and Sound Schools to educate her audiences on our industry’s expertise and this important issue.


School Security Alliance - We are also partnering with Secure School Alliance to support their research and education, convening education, public safety, fire, police, policy makers, parents, industry and community organizations, with a focus on the physical safety and security of our nation’s schools. They are active in the federal legislative arena and help our voice to be heard.

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500 South Ludlow St.

Dayton, Ohio 45402


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